Hilarious Pictures Of New Dog Breed : The Platypus Dog

The platypus dog is everyone’s favorite breed right now. 

And what exactly is a platypus? Well, that's a dog that seems to enjoy smelling shoes. At least that's the only explanation I can think of for these dogs' muzzles in shoes. Or maybe they like to look like platypuses. Who knows what goes on in a dog's mind?

However, I can assure you that this new 'breed' is absolutely adorable. They also come in a variety of 'flavors'. From crocs to rain boots, they have it all when it comes to muzzles. So if you are as curious as I am to see something like this. Scroll down below and take a look.

#1 He already ate half the shoe beforehand.

#2 This sneaker must be quite comfy.

#3 His snout has gotten really swollen to say the least.

#4 Even slippers aren’t safe from this treatment.

#5 This dog sure loves smelling feet.

#6 Crocs keep the snout airy and breathable.

#7 The furriness will keep her warm.

#8 Where else was he supposed to rest his neck?

#11 You can tell from his eyes he is excited about this.

There has to be some kind of science behind dogs sniffing shoes. I know for a fact even cats like to tear up shoes and get into them. But fo them it’s the about the ‘if it fits, I sit’ mentality.

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