Humans are very hard to understand
I mean it's almost impossible to understand another human even though we're all the same species. So imagine how hard it is for animals to understand what we do and why we do it. That's why today we've rounded up some of the funniest photos that show exactly this.
From the fact that pets can't understand why humans snore sometimes or why we want to play with them. It takes a little while on both sides to fully understand the other side's origins. And the best way to do this is to nurture your pet's innate curiosity. We all want to understand what our pets are saying and in a decade it might be possible but what about vice versa?
Animals deserve to be listened to as well.
#1 Hello, Is anyone there?
2 I hate the winter
My dog hates winter, and I can’t explain to her that it’s not within my powers to switch off winter outside.
#3 You look so funny hooman
#4 They don’t really care what you say
Sometimes I think that my dogs don’t take my words seriously.
#5 When your phone stand isn’t working
When I invite my cat to watch Netflix with me.
#6 He was just trying to figure out how humans use the bathroom
This husky appeared when I was in a public toilet. He looked at me for a few seconds and then ran away.
#7 How did I get in here?
I found my cat hiding in my pillowcase. He seemed more shocked than me.
#8 Are we sure this is a cat?
#9 I have no idea, I hate yellow sausages as well
Why are humans obsessed with these yellow scentless sausages?
#10 Why must you torture me hooman?
#11 It’s because you’re a big teddy bear.
Why do humans become so happy when they see me? Maybe I’m a lucky talisman?
#12 I’m hungry and I can’t eat anything.
Why is there so much food on the table that I can’t eat?
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